New Marvel Wiki
Electro (SM)
Vital statistics
Real name Jonas Jameson
Alias JJ, Electro Jr.
Age 17
Species Human
Production details
First appearance "Omniverse: Son of Spider-Man #1" (as Jonas)

"Omniverse: Son of Spider-Man #7" (as Electro)


Jonas was David's boyfriend until he was in a car accident and he was shocked by powerlines. It gave him incredible electrical powers but it also rewrote his brainwaves. Jonas went insane and became the new Electro. He fought Spider-Man several times, and he always tries to talk to Jonas, but Electro insists Jonas is dead. After Spider-Man is put on the Exiles and Venom pretends to be Spider-Man, Jonas temporarily teams up with David's dad to take out Venom.
